Tuesday, October 1, 2013

21 Day Challenge

SuccessThis week I am going to take a little break from the Nutrition learning series as there is something that is bugging me. Everybody is talking about this diet or that diet. If it fits your macros this, intermittent fasting that and hey what about paleo. Then carb back loading, carb night, carb front loading and carb all day loading. Most of you need to stop worrying about all these different diets. Most of you need a new relationship with food. You can’t seriously tell me that you don’t know the difference between whats good for you and whats not good for you. If you would just make small changes over time you will see results. You just need to be consistent with what you are doing and any of those previous diets would work for you. But most of you get up in arms if you don’t have ABs within a week of a diet and are quick to dismiss the diet and give up. 21 days. 21 days is how long it takes to form a habit. Can you commit yourself to that? 21 days. I am going to give you guidelines to follow for 21 days. Comment below or on our facebook page to let us know you started it and then contact us 21 days later to follow up. 21 days is a short amount of time in the grand scheme of things and if you can’t dedicate yourself to 21 days of eating healthy then you don’t want it bad enough. So if you fall off the bandwagon start over.


1: Eliminate sugar
2: Drink more water. And when you think you’ve had enough. Drink more.
3: Cut out the booze
4: Do some form of exercise 5 days a week 30-60 minutes
5: Replace sugar with healthy fats
6: Eliminate gluten
7: Remove grains, grain derived oils and vegetable oils.
8: Eliminate all synthetic additives, colorings and flavorings
9: Eat significant amounts of lean protein (beef, chicken, lamb, turkey, fish, eggs)
10: Remove all dairy
11: Eat more fruits and veggies. Organic is good with these foods but it isn't always important for some food. Use this site to figure out whats good and whats not http://www.whatsonmyfood.org/
12: Add spices and herbs
13: Enjoy your food. Do not count calories. Eat until satiety and then stop.
14: Nourishing your mind and body is not optional
15: Change your mindset. All a diet is, is the way you eat. Don’t look at it as a bad thing.

Leave your comments. Share with the world.

Coach B

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