Tuesday, October 22, 2013

5 Ways To Get Physically STRONG

Getting physically strong is easy. I’m not sure why everybody tries to over complicate it. Anytime a new program comes out people are quick to jump on that bandwagon until the next program comes out. People obsess over every minor detail. Sets, reps, days, rest periods, volume etc. People aren’t willing to be patient and put time in. They don’t want to be consistent and do the work that is required. I like to keep things simple in my life. So if you want to get strong follow these simple steps

1: Lift heavy stuff. Pretty simple. Lift it from the ground. Lift it overhead. Lift it laying down. Lift it standing. Use dumbbells, barbells, odd object like kegs, tires and sand bags.

2: Carry heavy objects. Carry them up hill, down hill, through the sand, straight ahead, backwards, up stairs. Carry stones, kegs, oxygen tanks, heavy bags etc.

3: Do bodyweight exercises. Have you ever seen a gymnast? They are ripped. Your choices are endless. Dips, chin ups, pushups, inverted rows, pistol squats, handstands, L-sits etc. The list goes on.

4: Do some form of awesome conditioning. Sprints, prowler, battle ropes, jump rope, pull a sled, carry something heavy. Long duration cardio isn’t good for you if you’re trying to get big and strong. That’s science.

5: Keep it simple. Pick a variation of a main movement (squat, deadlift, bench or over head press) and in an accessory or two, add some bodyweight movements in and then finish with conditioning. Progressively overload. Stay consistent. Eat right. Sleep. Repeat.


Coach B

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