Thursday, October 3, 2013

Get Back to The Basics

Going Functional Crazy


The word functional gets tossed around a lot these days without anyone knowing what it really means. Functional movements don’t just mean throwing yourself on a bosu ball with your limbs attached to a plethora of pulleys. Trainer’s like to get crazy with these movements because it gets attention and makes them look smarter than they are. If you are looking to do “functional” movements try not to out think the room. Whats more functional than a squat or a deadlift. Chances are you can’t think of one, because its doesn’t get much more functional than these two basic lifts. These two lifts incorporate the entire body and require strength, coordination, and stability all of which have a carry over to athletic performance and everyday life.


You also hear the phrase “functional core movement” a lot. That phrase has a lot of really cool words in it but doesn’t really explain much. If you want to get all of the muscles in your “core” stronger and more stable put down the bosu ball and try to do a basic elbow plank. Plank for 2 minutes the right way and I guarantee all of the muscles in your core will start functioning the way you want them too. If planking for 2 minutes is easy for you then throw a plate on your back and watch how strong you get. If you can’t plank for 2 minutes, you have no business doing any of those other crazy exercises they show you in the magazines. Check out the video to learn how to plank the right way.


Bottom line is stop worrying whether something is labeled as functional or not and get back to the basics. You will be surprised how much stronger and "functional" you become.

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