Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Dear Athletes, parents, and coaches,

Here at The Spot we have worked with kids for awhile. Almost 40 years of combined experience. A common theme I am seeing is that kids aren't tough anymore, especially athletes. And I feel that this is a direct correlation to their coaches as most of you coaches today are soft, weak and have no integrity. What most of these coaches lack, especially the "strength" coaches is actual strength. Coaches, you need to practice what you preach. It's your fault your athletes are the way they are, not theirs. How can you teach others to be strong if you never even taken the time to get strong yourself? I'm not saying you have to be an olympic caliber lifter but if you've never had heavy weight in your hands or on your back then that is a serious issue. You're not a strength coach if you're not strong. That's like saying I'm a doctor because I went to med school but never went to clinicals to actually practice medicine! Would you trust a doctor who never practiced medicine? Then why should athletes trust a coach who learned how to do something off of youtube? Why should parents trust you to get their kid strong if you're weak?

I hear it all the time coaches complaining about how they don't have time in the day to get training in. Well reassess your priorities. If training isn't a priority in your life why should it be in your athletes life? Be a role model. Athletes act in direct correlation to their leaders. You as a coach are a leader. Be honest with your athletes. Train to be the strongest version of yourself. I don't need excuses. I don't care about your excuses. Nobody cares. You need to make do with what you have. Take what you have and use it to your advantage. I see coaches all the time in other gyms and on the internet claiming to be experts. Until you google them or youtube them and actually see that they are all talk. What happened to integrity and being honest? I'm not the strongest, I'm mediocre at best but I work my butt off and so does our staff. We don't miss days. Even when we are hurt we are still training. Everything we write about and preach here at The Spot we truly believe in. We get results. If you want advice and are seeking an expert you need to consider their background. Who have they learned from? What have they done? Who have they produced? If you or your coach are weak and have never helped someone get strong please stay quiet.

Have some honesty and integrity. Practice what you preach.


Coach B.

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