Monday, October 14, 2013

Hardest workout ever!

IMG_0296It seems lately that people want to equate a really hard workout with a good workout.  If this were true then the best workout ever was the Bataan Death March.  I mean, a workout so hard that thousands die - Awesome!  Obviously that is not awesome and neither is working out so hard that you feel like you are going to die.  But for whatever reason this seems to be the new trend in training at a lot of places.  Since The Spot Athletics is a leader in the industry and not a follower, we do not need to join in on this senseless type of training.  We train to get results and to do this you must have a long term, properly periodized program that is aimed at the goals of the person.  Simply working out until exhaustion every time takes no planning, no knowledge and no experience.  I would hope that a lazy, uneducated and inexperienced trainer is not what people are looking for but it seems that in today's "if it's hard, it's good" type of mentality, that is what people are looking for.

If you sat there and wrote down everything hard you can do in a workout and then put some random high reps by it I bet you would come up with a really hard workout.  Does this make you a trainer?  I certainly hope you do not think so, but why is it that people listen to "trainers" who just do that exact same thing.  Well in our society of instant gratification I think that people feel a sense of accomplishment when they finish a hard workout.  The problem is that just like instant gratification, there is no long term benefits.  At The Spot Athletics we design our programs so that you can become stronger, healthier and look better all while training in a manner that will be sustainable for a long period of time.  For some reason people never think about the future and only want a hard workout today.  While some of our workouts are extremely tough, they aren't just random in their appearance.  They are part of a long term plan that will yield maximal results over time.  We are not interested in killing someone in one workout, any idiot can do that,  we are interested in creating clients that can get better and better as time goes on.   You cannot do this if you are injured or burnt out from always killing yourself every workout.

So how do you determine if a workout is good?  The best answer is if the workout achieves the goal for that training day then it was a good workout.  If you ask your trainer what the goal for the day is and they say "I don't know, what do you want to do", then maybe it's time you find a better trainer.  We hold ourselves to a much higher standard at The Spot Athletics and are amazed that more people don't want great training and instead just want a Bataan Death March workout.

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