Sunday, October 20, 2013

Make time now, or be forced to later

When it comes to training the biggest excuse that we get is "I don't have time".  While this seems to be valid in some people's minds, it is not valid to us.  You have time for what you make time for.  When you are saying I don't have time, what you are really saying is that you don't value your health.  Sure you can put off working out and maybe nothing will happen for a while, but eventually it catches up.  With athletes that we see that think that they are too busy to train for their sport we eventually see one of two things happen to them.  One: they end up hurt and at the orthopedic surgeons, or two: they can't compete with the other players and quit the sport.  With adults the results are much the same but to a different degree.  Either one: they end up with injuries, and end up at a surgeon or two: they  don't have a good quality of life and can't do the activities that they really wish they could.  In both circumstances, whether you are a young athlete or an adult long removed from competition, if you don't make time for training now, you will be forced to make time for the doctor later.

I really enjoy working out and know that it will keep me healthy and doing the things I want to long term.  While some don't share my love of fitness, everyone hates surgery.  We see this scenario all too often because athletes and adults alike come to us after they have been to the surgeon.  They are now being forced to do the thing that if they had just done in the first, place then they would not of had to have the surgery.  It's ironic when you think about it.  You either start training before you have a problem or your problems will force you to start training.  I know that I would much rather be training healthy than recovering from an injury, and I hope you would too.

People in our society seem to be more interested in spending 20hrs/week watching the housewives of whatever or the football games than they do caring for their bodies.  This really perplexes me because once you have ruined your body you don't get a new one.  The top priority for any person should be to keep their health because if you don't have that, then you don't have anything.  So next time you hear someone say "I don't have time to work out" ask them what could be more important than their health?

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