Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Don't be normal, be you

While we focus a lot on nutrition and strength here at The Spot. One aspect that is commonly overlooked is the mental aspect of life. How do you deal with negativity in life? Negative people and negative situations. People that don’t believe in you or your dreams. Situations that conflict with morals and beliefs. Those that want to bring you down. How do you handle it? How do you deal with the day to day grind? Most people are common. Most people don’t even have goals. They wake up they go to work they collect a pay check they pay bills and they sleep. They take this equation and simply repeat it. They call this life. But that’s what makes you and I different. That’s what sets us apart. We are uncommon. There is negativity everywhere. All you have to do is turn on the news or read the paper. When you try to move forward and do something with your life you will have doubters. You will have those that will want to drag you down. Those that will laugh at you for going after what you want. What you’re trying to do isn’t practical. Well who cares. Be uncommon. Don’t be practical. Don’t be normal. Being normal is like being everybody else. BE YOU.

You need to believe in yourself. Believe in what you’re doing even when nobody else doesn’t. Set goals and go after them. Don’t let anything stop you until you reach those goals. You will have negativity in your life. That negativity is to push you to see how bad you actually want it. It weeds out the talkers. It weeds the people out who talk about their goals but don’t actually go after them. Be an action taker. You need to believe in yourself and your vision. Some days, that will be all you have. You can achieve anything you want but you have to be willing to give up the belief that you can’t have it. You have one life to do everything you’ll ever do so please act accordingly. If you are content being normal and common just like everybody else then by all means continue to live you’re normal life going to your 9-5 that you dread going to. Everything you’re about to say as to why you can’t go after what you want is an excuse. It’s preventing you from getting what you want and what you deserve. And that’s fine. If you want to make excuses as to why you can’t achieve what it is you are looking to achieve then that is on you. Nobody else. You create your circumstances. Life is over quickly. So, While you’re here do some awesome things. Leave your mark. Forget the naysayers, the doubters and the negativity. Go after what you want and don’t let anything stop you until you get it. It’s not over until you win.


Coach B

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