Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Best Supplement For Young Athletes

All the time I get asked by parents, “What supplements should my kid take?” “What do you think of this supplement?” Or my favorite, “The skinny guy at GNC told me to take this what do you think?” And the parents and athlete can’t wait to hear my response. Thinking I am going to name the magic pill to get them to the next level. My response is always the same well what does their diet and training program look like? The problem is, is that supplements aren’t regulated by the FDA. Supplement companies can say that their product contains something but it doesn’t mean that it’s in there or the amount that it says is. It’s not worth the unknown risk. “In general, the risks of using supplements far outweigh the perceived benefits,” states Dr. Steven Cuff, a sports medicine physician at Nationwide Children’s Hospital. “Supplements are often expensive, are unregulated, and in many cases have side effects that can actually inhibit athletic performance.” I bet you that less than 5% of young athletes eat like they should but they spend a lot of money on that garbage supplement. There is nothing more anabolic then quality whole food! That right there is the best supplement. Quality proteins, carbs, fruits, veggies and fats. Combine that with a solid training program no supplement can top that. The number one thing standing between your athlete and their goals is their diet and being on a consistent program. But kids say all the time “I eat so much” or “I’m a picky eater.” Well you’re not eating enough and stop being picky. If you’re an athlete and aren’t getting enough quality calories you won’t get bigger, stronger or faster. Parents spend your money on good quality food and a strength coach who knows what they are doing. You’ll do your young athlete the biggest favor by doing so.

Coach B




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