Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Want results? Follow these 10 strength training tips

There are a few things that I follow and stick to when not only training myself but also when I train you.  Follow these and they will help you gain more muscle, tone up and become stronger then you ever thought before

  1. Train by feel. If you feel strong then take advantage of it and go hard in the weight room. If you feel weak then back off and go lighter. Listen to your body.

  2. Don't listen to your body. Yes I am aware this contradicts what I just stated but sometimes we need to push through and have a mental toughness workout. Don't be afraid to push yourself. Strong mind will equate into a strong body.

  3. Have a warm up that incorporates strengthening your weaknesses. Need hip mobility do it in the warm-up. Need extra back work do it in the warm up. Need GPP pull a sled for a few minutes.

  4. Use various training tools. Our met-con class does an awesome job of incorporating kettlebells, barbells, dumbbells, bodyweight and a handful of other things.

  5. This is where a good coach comes in. Most of us are extremely biased in choosing exercises and tools. Most of you only do the things you like to do. So this will lead to weak points, overuse injuries and will leave many holes that will be hard to fill. Variety is good. An awesome coach is irreplaceable.

  6. Eat as much clean and natural food as possible. If it comes from the ground eat it. If what you are about to eat, eats what comes from the ground eat it. Don’t overcomplicate diet. Most of you know what good food and bad food is.

  7. I promise you will see the best results if you eat plenty of fruits, veggies, grassfed meats, nuts, seeds and drink tons of water.

  8. Lay off the alcohol, bread and dairy and watch what happens.Make small adjustments to your diet and you will begin to lean out, increase your energy along with muscle gains.

  9. Make sure your program includes the basic power lifts. Squats, presses and deadlifts will yield you the best results.

  10. If your program doesn’t include the basic power lifts then either find an awesome coach or get rid of the coach you currently have.

  11. Follow the 10 steps above or even better come into The Spot Athletics and let us help you on your road to becoming awesome.

Thanks! Any questions or comments leave them below!

Coach B

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