Monday, September 16, 2013

Golf fitness for a lower score!

PrintWhy is it that golf lessons have gone up dramatically in the last 20 years but handicaps have not gone down?  On average, for all the lessons given each year and the time spent on the golf range, there has not been a drop in the average handicap in the last 20 years.  The missing link is in the way golfers go about getting better at their swing and their training.  Think of it like this:  If I have you run and I time it, then have you run again but this time before you run I tell you to run faster, can you magically run faster?  No, of coarse not.  You have a physical limitation to how fast you can run and unless you improve physically, through training, you will never run faster.  Yet, for some reason this basic logic is ignored in golf.  The golf pro tells you that you are loosing posture in your backswing and that you shouldn't do it.  He even gives you drills to work on it, but no matter what he says you still loose posture.  Well it doesn't matter how much the golf pro yells at you, until you improve physically you will loose posture in your backswing.  Now this could be caused by several reasons, one of which being tight lats.  If your lats are tight and you don't properly train to address the limitation then you can forget about lowering your score because that problem will never go away.  Roughly 70-90% of active golfers suffer from early extension.  There are 100's of drills for this issue, yet why do most golfers have this issue?  Because they are not doing the proper training to take care of the physical limitations that are causing the issue.  Here at The Spot Athletics we have two staff members that are TPI certified and can take you through a TPI  Golf Screen and pick out your swing faults without ever watching you swing a club.  We can also design a program that will get rid of these physical limitations, like early extension, and finally have you at that lower handicap you have been working so hard towards.  Call us today to schedule your TPI Golf Screen and be on your way to a lower handicap.  (614) 753-1314.

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