Monday, September 30, 2013

WARNING: Playground equipment stunts growth in children!

averyNo, of course it doesn't, that is just a ridiculous statement and you probably thought that when you read it.   Yet why, on a daily basis, do I hear this same type of statement about weight training for adolescence and people tend to believe that ridiculous statement?  There is absolutely no study that shows that properly programed, supervised and periodized programming stunts growth in children.  Yet, in spite of this, the general population seems to hold on to this antiquated urban myth.  The fact is that jumping off common playground equipment causes exponentially more injuries every year than weight training in adolescence.  This makes sense too, since the forces that the body receives when jumping off the swings or doing a drop off the monkey bars is up to 5x body weight..  When you compare this to proper weight training which will only be at about 1-2x body weight for the children, then the statement that the playground equipment stunts growth in children is based on more logic than the same statement about weight training.  So why does this myth exist?  This myth exists primarily because there has been a long observance that the people who were really good at weight training were short.  People surmised that they were short because of all the weight training they did.  Well this is obviously a horrible cause/effect conclusion.  The short people lift weights more because they have shorter levers and therefore are good at weight training.  They don't become short from lifting, they turn to lifting because they are short.  Let's use this ill fated logic for other activities.  So if my son plays basketball he will be 6' 5'' because all of the professional basketball players I see on TV are about 6' 5''.   If I made this statement in a serious manner I would get laughed out of the room, yet people make the same type of statement about weight training all the time and seem to be OK with the awful logic of it.  To date the National Strength & Conditioning Association, American Pediatric Association, and American Medical Association not only condone weight training for adolescence but cite that the absence of weight training will lead to more sporting injuries in athletes that do not weight train.  A meta analysis of over 23,000 youth athletes showed that the earlier the training begins then the more likely it will be to prevent sporting injuries.  This meta analysis actually concluded that waiting until after puberty to start training for sport showed no significant ability in training to prevent injury.  So although post puberty athletes will get physically better, their poor motor patterns will already be established and you will have a stronger, injury prone athlete.   So how has this myth persisted so long with this huge body of evidence showing that not only is it safe, but it will actually keep children safer in sports than if they don't train before puberty?  We simply do not know, but we are making it our mission to educate of clients, family and friends to try to make this illogical myth go away forever.

Part of the solution though is that there must be proper supervision, progressions and technical skills taught.  Most sport coaches and parents are not qualified to design and implement a proper program for adolescence.  So we are not giving you this information so that you will buy a weight set and let your young athlete "go at it" or for you to go to your sporting coach and demand he start weight training your children to prevent injury.  This would be akin to finding out bridges are very safe and then you go out and start building bridges with no education.  What we recommend is that you find an established, certified and trustworthy professional strength coach that has lots of experience dealing with adolescent athletes.  There are basic motor patterns that must be mastered before moving on to more challenging movements.  At The Spot Athletics we start all athletes, whether they are 7 or 17 with learning the basic motor patterns first and then after mastery they progress to the next step in our performance matrix.  It takes a lot of time, knowledge of motor learning and experience to know how to properly progress young athletes to not only prevent them from injuries later in their career but make them flourish and excel in their chosen sport.

So please, if you are not in the Columbus area, find a professional and have your young athletes start training today.  If you are in the Columbus area then you need to get your young athlete to The Spot Athletics. We will help get them on their way towards becoming a much healthier and dominating athlete as they progress through puberty and the rest of their sporting career.  Lastly, if you here another parent, coach or random person state that weight training stunts the growth of children then tell them that they are not only wrong but by not letting their pre-pubescent children or athletes train, they are actually setting them up to have more injuries as they progress through puberty and into their high school career.  So the bottom line is that proper weight training doesn't injure children but this myth, that weight training stunts growth, is actually doing the opposite of it's intention and causing injuries by not letting young athletes be physically prepared for their chosen sport.  There is so much information supporting proper training for pre-pubescent athletes that we just see it as a travesty when we see young athletes career ended due to an injury that through proper strength training most likely would have prevented.  Please stop this awful cycle and share this blog with all parents and coaches that you know.

Thank you,

JL Holdsworth, BS, CSCS, USAW, TPI

Owner & Head Trainer

Speed, Strength & Conditioning, Personal training & Fitness Class Training Video Montage 9/23-9/28

Another great week here at The Spot Athletics!  Metcon "on the go" finished up the month of September nicely with a great day at Schiller Park.  We swung on the swing set, and climbed on the jungle gym... everyone had a great time.  Our athletes are doing well, and our personal training clients are working hard!  Great job everyone!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Strength and Conditioning movement of the week: The Power Clean

954742_616670355028554_1032593151_nThis week, JL goes over the power clean and many common mistakes he sees being made by other strength coaches when trying to teach it to their athletes.  The biggest offenders of these issues are well meaning sport coaches who want to get athletes better but are really just setting them up for injury.  If you know a high school coach, and in particular football coaches are the biggest offenders of these issues, then please watch and share with them so that they don't injure their athletes!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Top 10 fitness articles of the week 9/25

For the person of any age - no excuse why you should not be training and taking care of yourself.

Maximize your fat-loss workout,

Move more. It all counts.

More information on intermittent fasting.

Take responsibility for your health and empower yourself.

What is 'decision fatigue'?

Are you having fun yet?

Ladies - it’s myth-breaking time.

10 Reasons You Should Train Today

10 Reasons you should train today


1: Not training shows that you clearly don’t care about your body or your life.

2: It’s the best, natural anti-depressant

3: If you don’t you’ll get fat and weak and become another statistic.

4: It allows you to escape from the outside world for a bit. Your problems cease to exist when you step under a few hundred pounds.

5: You’ll feel better about yourself

6: You owe it to yourself to train today. Both physically and mentally

7: You’ll be able to protect yourself and your family better when the zombies come.

8: You’ll hate yourself if you don’t train today.

9: Because picking up heavy things is awesome.

10: You don’t want to be a person who doesn’t train. Don’t be a loser be a winner. Train today.

Coach B

Monday, September 23, 2013

The Spot Athletics first Open House was a lot of fun!

IMG_1475IMG_1485We would like to thank everyone who came out to our first ever Open House!  We were celebrating two years of being in the Ultimate Sport Center and we had a great turn out.  Not only were there clients in attendance, but friends and family as well.  The Thomas Inch dumbbell and blob challenge were particularly intriguing for our guests.  No one except JL and Brad Ardrey, fellow Mighty Mitts competitor, could pick up both the blob and the Thomas Inch dumbbell.  We would like to extend a special thanks to Dave Tate, Josh & Christina Murphy, Chad Simmons and Erica Cushion for coming out and answering questions for all of our quests.  In total there was a hundred people in attendance and if it had not been on a girls volleyball game night, I'm sure it would have been a lot more.  We look forward to an even greater event on October 19th when we have our first ever tailgate for Ohio State vs. Iowa.  We are within walking distance of the stadium and will be giving away a pair of tickets to one of our lucky guests.  Speaking of give aways, Darci Campbell won the big prize of a free month of Met Con Class at the Open House.

Thanks to all of our clients, friends and families for making our first two years a big success and we look forward to building even more champions in the future.

Speed, Strength & Conditioning, Personal training & Fitness Class Training Video Montage 9/16-9/22

Another great montage from The Spot!  Our athletes, personal training and metcon clients are always impressing us and working hard.  If you want to be the best, you have to come train with the best!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Bench Pressing: The JL Press

A huge problem people have with the bench press is lockout power.  Triceps play a huge role in lock out power, but most people train the wrong part of the triceps.  JL explains one of his favorite moves to build huge tris and massive pressing power!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Weekly top 10 personal training and strength and conditioning articles 9/18/13

How to handle your training when you are doing something that hurts.  How far should you go?

The debate on “training to failure” - should you or shouldn’t you.

Resistance training myths in the running world de-bunked.

This article explains isometric training for strength and power.

Shares how there is a national campaign to get people drinking more water

How to live in strength in many areas of your life.

This article gives insight into how meditation and the ability to relax improves athletic performance.

How to stay stedfast to our goals in this demanding life we lead.

Know what your goals are and what you are training for.

Two quick easy steps for improving your life.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Nutrition 102 - Protein

IMG_20130917_173309Hope everybody has time to digest the previous blog on nutrition (pun intended.) If not please go read it so you are all caught up for this blog.

The next  few blogs will be on macronutrients. Lets think of these as the drywall, concrete and wood of the body. With out them there is not structure.  The major macronutrients are protein, fat and carbohydrates. Today we will focus on protein.

Protein is the building block of the animal kingdom. The human body alone assembles and utilizes about 50,000 different proteins to form our organs, nerves, muscles and flesh. Proteins are also utilized to catalyze metabolic reactions, replicate DNA and transport molecules from one location to another. Believe or not protein is used for more then just building muscle. Proteins are made up of amino acids (AA). All proteins differ from one another based on the sequence of these AA. Understand that AA are the building blocks of all the protein in your body and are found in all of the protein that you eat. Lets think of AA as tiny lego blocks that when put together it builds a bigger block.

There are 22  standard but different AA that combine in various arrangements to make just about everything within the body (there are actually close to 500 AA but only 22 used by the body. You will hear 20-22 for humans because there are 22 standard AA BUT only 21 are found in what is known as eukaryotes. Then you'll hear 20 because 20 are actually encoded into the universal genetic code). The body can produce the majority of these AA but there are 9 that it cannot. These 9 AA are known as essential AA for humans. The 9 essential AA are histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, thereonine, tryptophan and valine. Science!

These 9 essential AA need to be consumed in your diet. If they are no present in sufficient amounts then the body is unable to build muscle and organ tissue. When ALL 9 essential AA are present in the diet, the body can usually build the other "nonessential" amino acids BUT if just one of those 9 is low or missing, the body is unable to synthesize the other proteins it needs even when overall protein intake is high. This is one of the many issues with a vegan lifestyle and this is why you should consume animal proteins.

If the whole eating meat thing is wrong in your eyes then here is another thing to consider. There are three AA which are the sulphur containing AA that are extremely important  to the health of the brain and nervous system. The three are methionine, cysteine and cystine. The place these are found most plentiful is in eggs and in meat. I could write a whole  blog on those three AA alone.

All of the essential AA and many that are considered "nonessential" are present in animal products. A complete protein is a protein that contains all of the essential AA and an incomplete protein lacks one or more of the essential AA. Sources of protein from the vegetable kingdom are low in one or more essential AA even when overall protein content of that vegetable is high. The body MUST ingest all the essential AA in order to use any of them. This is another problem with being a vegetarian.

This is a quick and dirty guide to protein. Extremely quick so please ask questions below or on our facebook wall so we can further help you understand what protein is.

Coach B

Speed, Strength & Conditioning, Personal training & Fitness Class Training Video Montage 9/9-9/15

Great job by all of our clients this past week!  Our athletes and personal training clients put in a lot of work, and our "Metcon on the move" in Schiller Park was a great success... everyone is working hard and most importantly, getting results!  We are now getting ready for our open house this Thursday at 6:30pm to celebrate our 2 year anniversary!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Golf fitness for a lower score!

PrintWhy is it that golf lessons have gone up dramatically in the last 20 years but handicaps have not gone down?  On average, for all the lessons given each year and the time spent on the golf range, there has not been a drop in the average handicap in the last 20 years.  The missing link is in the way golfers go about getting better at their swing and their training.  Think of it like this:  If I have you run and I time it, then have you run again but this time before you run I tell you to run faster, can you magically run faster?  No, of coarse not.  You have a physical limitation to how fast you can run and unless you improve physically, through training, you will never run faster.  Yet, for some reason this basic logic is ignored in golf.  The golf pro tells you that you are loosing posture in your backswing and that you shouldn't do it.  He even gives you drills to work on it, but no matter what he says you still loose posture.  Well it doesn't matter how much the golf pro yells at you, until you improve physically you will loose posture in your backswing.  Now this could be caused by several reasons, one of which being tight lats.  If your lats are tight and you don't properly train to address the limitation then you can forget about lowering your score because that problem will never go away.  Roughly 70-90% of active golfers suffer from early extension.  There are 100's of drills for this issue, yet why do most golfers have this issue?  Because they are not doing the proper training to take care of the physical limitations that are causing the issue.  Here at The Spot Athletics we have two staff members that are TPI certified and can take you through a TPI  Golf Screen and pick out your swing faults without ever watching you swing a club.  We can also design a program that will get rid of these physical limitations, like early extension, and finally have you at that lower handicap you have been working so hard towards.  Call us today to schedule your TPI Golf Screen and be on your way to a lower handicap.  (614) 753-1314.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Friday technique overview: Setting up for the squat

JL helps explain a few basic principles when it comes to setting up for the squat!

Are your glutes firing?

One of the biggest surprises of athletic training, as well as general fitness, is the serious neglect shown to the body's big hunk of hip-extension meat, the Glutes.

Without proper motor patterns and activation potential, the gluteus complex is vastly under-utilized. This lack of training, or reinforcement of bad patterns, can lead to incredibly significant imbalances around the hip girdle and low back. Quite often, the population of people that are required to sit for innumerable hours at work on a day-to-day basis exasperate these imbalances as they emerge as completely unique conditions, such as back pain.

To combat the gluteus complex's loneliness and reinforce proper motor patterns, one of the most useful, yet simple, exercises is the "heel drag"(in classic Jane Fonda fashion).

To execute the heel drag:

1) Lay on one side, parallel to a wall, with about six inches in-between the wall and any point of your backside.

2) To start the movement with the top foot by applying pressure into the wall with your heel.

3) With slow and controlled movement, elevate your heel along the wall to the highest point possible, with a focus on contracting the glutes, then lower back down to the starting position.

4) Repeat with both legs for multiple sets of high reps(10-15).

With this simple movement, an athlete or weekend warrior can progressively strengthen and stabilize some of the most essential muscles of the body. Recommended for all, heel drags and glute activation exercises need special attention as an integral part of every training program to ensure that the lower body has a solid foundation for development.


Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Strength and conditioning, personal training weekly top 10 articles


Are genetics secondary to hard work?

Spot reducing is a what do you need to do?

Why you should do things you are not good at

This article gives a perspective on training to failure - should you or shouldn’t you.


You’ve heard “you should always eat a good breakfast” - True or false?

Nutrition Tips You should be following.


Do you have extraordinary resolve? Just when you think you understand what resolve is about, perhaps you really don’t.

How to manage your goals and expectations.


Maybe its time to single-minded instead of multi-tasking

How to let go of your crutches.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Want results? Follow these 10 strength training tips

There are a few things that I follow and stick to when not only training myself but also when I train you.  Follow these and they will help you gain more muscle, tone up and become stronger then you ever thought before

  1. Train by feel. If you feel strong then take advantage of it and go hard in the weight room. If you feel weak then back off and go lighter. Listen to your body.

  2. Don't listen to your body. Yes I am aware this contradicts what I just stated but sometimes we need to push through and have a mental toughness workout. Don't be afraid to push yourself. Strong mind will equate into a strong body.

  3. Have a warm up that incorporates strengthening your weaknesses. Need hip mobility do it in the warm-up. Need extra back work do it in the warm up. Need GPP pull a sled for a few minutes.

  4. Use various training tools. Our met-con class does an awesome job of incorporating kettlebells, barbells, dumbbells, bodyweight and a handful of other things.

  5. This is where a good coach comes in. Most of us are extremely biased in choosing exercises and tools. Most of you only do the things you like to do. So this will lead to weak points, overuse injuries and will leave many holes that will be hard to fill. Variety is good. An awesome coach is irreplaceable.

  6. Eat as much clean and natural food as possible. If it comes from the ground eat it. If what you are about to eat, eats what comes from the ground eat it. Don’t overcomplicate diet. Most of you know what good food and bad food is.

  7. I promise you will see the best results if you eat plenty of fruits, veggies, grassfed meats, nuts, seeds and drink tons of water.

  8. Lay off the alcohol, bread and dairy and watch what happens.Make small adjustments to your diet and you will begin to lean out, increase your energy along with muscle gains.

  9. Make sure your program includes the basic power lifts. Squats, presses and deadlifts will yield you the best results.

  10. If your program doesn’t include the basic power lifts then either find an awesome coach or get rid of the coach you currently have.

  11. Follow the 10 steps above or even better come into The Spot Athletics and let us help you on your road to becoming awesome.

Thanks! Any questions or comments leave them below!

Coach B

Monday, September 9, 2013

Speed, Strength & Conditioning, Personal training & Fitness Class Training Video Montage 9/2-9/8

Another great week here at the Spot Athletics!  As the summer winds down, our clients are still training hard, because they know there is no off season!  Also, we are gearing up for our open house on Sept. 19, so bring a friend and come on by!

Understanding the difference between speed, agility and quickness - The simple explanation

Screen Shot 2013-04-28 at 3.52.19 PMSpeed, Agility & Quickness

In our field the shorthand for this is SAQ training.  As I talk to people that are not strength coaches I realize that most people don't even know what a strength and conditioning program encompasses, no less what SAQ training is.  I often get asked if we work on speed in our strength and conditioning program.  Well, that is what a strength and conditioning coach does, makes athletes faster, stronger, more explosive and durable.  It's funny, most people need to hear the word speed to think that the training is making an athlete faster.  The fact is, and taking a line from Tommy Boy, "I can crap in a box and mark it guaranteed, I got spare time, but we all know the guarantee is only as good as the person writing it".   The same is true with speed training, just because someone slaps the word speed on what they are doing does not mean that it will make an athlete faster.  Again, the program is only as good as the person writing it and if they are just haphazardly having kids run around cones and through ladders, we call that babysitting, not training.  So when we talk about training for sport, in order to truly build a better athlete a running program must address speed, agility and quickness.  The problem is when it comes to SAQ training I realized that people only really care about the word speed.  To most people speed encompasses all movement aspects of sport.  The fact is that this could not be further from the truth.  In this blog I will help everyone understand the difference between speed, agility and quickness in a very easy to understand way.

Speed - The ability to run 30 yards or longer in the shortest amount of time.

Agility - The ability to run back and forth or laterally from two points that are relatively close together in the shortest amount of time.

Quickness - The ability to explosively start which allows one to run for the first few yards in the shortest amount of time.

So how do I explain this in the easiest to understand format, easy, let's use your house for an example.  If you are standing in your living room by the couch (which happens to be right by your back door) and the TV is across the room, Speed is your ability to run out your back door to the end of your block in the shortest amount of time, Agility is your ability to run from the couch to the TV and back to the couch the in the shortest amount of time and Quickness is the ability to get from your couch to your TV in the shortest amount of time.

So there you have it, next time someone talks about an athlete having speed as they make a great cut, you will be able to say, they showed agility there, not speed.

Friday, September 6, 2013

The Secret to locking out your deadlift!

Ricky deadliftHave you been struggling with your lockout and no matter what you do you can't get a new PR?  Well our Owner and Head trainer JL Holdsworth may have the secret cure for you.  Being strong isn't all about strength, it's about technique too.  Every Friday JL will be tackling different technique issues and sharing his vast knowledge with all of you.  If you have a question on any lifts or a technique question then just give us a comment on our blog or drop us a line on our Facebook page and we will try to get to all of them.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Gluten Free Phenomenon


When it comes to eating clean, there are hundreds of varying opinions on what is best. The newest craze these days has been eating the gluten free diet. What is Gluten you ask? Gluten is a storage protein found in the grains of wheat, barley, and rye. Some people develop a sensitivity to this protein which leads to a variety of health issues (mainly digestive). For people with this gluten sensitivity, turning to a gluten free diet works tremendously in improving their overall health. This is where problems arise as food companies have twisted the gluten free idea and turned it into the latest lose weight fast diet.

Food companies are very smart. Why not just start taking gluten out of everything and start marketing it as “gluten free”. It doesn’t matter if the food happens to be a box of cookies or a bag of potato chips, as long as its gluten free, people will think its good for them. I see it all the time from people on social media posting recipes for their nutritious “gluten free” cupcakes or other deserts. A cupcake is still a cupcake, whether there is gluten or not and this should not be misconstrued as healthy eating.

I am not saying I  think gluten free is a bad idea. On the contrary, I see a lot of potential benefits from cutting down the amount of gluten in your diet. I get asked all the time by clients if going gluten free will help them lose weight.  The simple answer is yes, cutting out gluten from your diet will help you lose fat, but you need to look at the bigger picture of what being gluten free means. We as a society need to be careful not be caught in the marketing trap food companies put out there just to make a profit. Our society is just now realizing that the more fiber and more whole grain marketing tactics are inaccurate, lets not get sucked into another one.

If you are trying to lose fat and are unsure whether to be gluten free or not here is a great tip to help you get started, Stop worrying about whether something has or doesn’t have gluten just cut out as many processed sugary foods as you can from your diet. Eliminating or limiting these foods will dramatically improve your overall health and well being and you will be surprised at how “gluten free” you are actually being.


Comments, questions, concerns...leave a note below.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Nutrition 101

540095_10151360714233175_2028994257_nEverybody gets caught up with diets and macros and micros yet nobody really knows what a carb is or what fat really does in the body. They just read what the internet gurus say and consider that to be the truth. So What I am going to do for you is break everything down nice and easy in weekly segments for you. You can look forward to reading about food energy, metabolism along with what protein, carbs and fat really are.

In todays blog I will discuss food energy & metabolism.

First lets discuss what energy is. Energy takes on many forms from kinetic, to mechanical to chemical to magnetic. The energy we are most concerned with as a living organisms is that of food. Most living organisms, if not all, rely on external sources of energy. As humans we get our energy from food which includes carbohydrates, fats and proteins. All of which play an important role in your diet. Therefore we will call this food energy. The amount of energy obtained from food is expressed in kilojoules or the infamous food calorie.

What is a calorie? Well I’m glad you asked because most look at a calorie as a bad thing when they don’t even know what a calorie is.  There are two types of calories a small calorie and a large calorie. The small calorie is also referred to as a gram calorie.  A gram calorie is, is the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one gram of water by one degree celsius. A large calorie or kilogram calorie is, is the amount of energy needed to increase 1 kilogram of water by 1 degree celsius. Therefore one large calorie is equal to 1000 small calories or one kilocalorie. The calorie is an expression of the amount of energy per unit of mass or in other words calories per gram/serving. Your diet is usually based on your nutritional requirements and will be expressed as calories per day. Understand that the actual SI unit of food energy is the kilojoule for all of you that like science. A large calorie is equal to 4.184 kilojoules and thats where I will leave that. Please keep this paragraph in mind for the weeks to come when I discuss what macronutrients are.

Next on the topic of discussion is metabolism. Everybody loves talking about a fast metabolism or a slow metabolism yet have no idea what a metabolism is. What is a metabolism? Well, all the word metabolism does is describe all the chemical reactions involved in maintaining the living state of the cells and the organism. Now we can further break down metabolism into two categories. The first is catabolism which will actually use energy to breakdown a molecule to obtain energy. The second is anabolism  which is the term used to describe the construction of components need by our cells. So catabolism means to breakdown and anabolism means to build. Simple. Thats all you need to and should worry about metabolism. Also you cannot speed up your metabolism with meal frequency. There is no evidence to show that you stroke the metabolic fire by eating more or that you need to eat more frequently to loss fat. If you have the evidence please share with the class.

Any questions, comments, concerns, limricks or one-liners leave them in the comments below.

Coach B


Speed, Strength & Conditioning, Personal training & Fitness Class Training Video Montage 8/26-9/1

Another great week at the Spot Athletics!  Our Brazilian Jiu Jitsu fighters were tossing around some stones and then went to Atlanta and brought home gold!  Our Metcon clients and personal training clients are still working hard as always, and our coaches Luke Rose and Zach Gallmann are getting ready to compete themselves.  Zach will be competing at New Jersey's strongest man and Luke will be competing in a powerlifting meet in Columbus, OH!