Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Get Your Mind Right

Your mind is what stands between you and your goals. It's what stands between you and any challenge that life throws your way. If there is something that you want you must believe in that with every ounce of your being. Look life happens. There are minor set backs and major setbacks. But life isn't perfect. And it shouldn't be.

Look time comes and time goes. People always want more of it but all they seem to do is waste it. If you have a dream if you have a goal then nothing should stand in your way. But if you make excuses then you truly don't want those dreams to be come a reality.

You should never give up on something that you truly believe in. In my eyes, if you don’t have to work for something, it isn’t really worth it. If you set your goals high and work your ass off to reach them, you will feel like you deserve it. When you have a problem in life, have the balls (courage) to face it head on.

Figure out what the problem is and then make a plan to solve it. If you don’t offer a solution to your problems, don’t complain because, because nobody cares. Be quiet because nobody cares about your problems if you aren’t offering a solution or doing something to change your situation.

Winners adjust. Successful people face adversity and kick the hell out of it. If you want something bad enough, quitting isn’t an option. Quitting is for losers. People today are coddled and need to stop making excuses. Society as a whole is weak-minded, frail, and gutless.

Challenge yourself. Everyday. Step outside your comfort zone. Confidence to succeed will come when you prepare life your life depends on it. Don't ever put a limit on your ability to grow as a person.

Stop making excuses. Get your mind right and go after what is you truly want in life. If you have excuses take them else where. Do what it takes to get it done. Embrace the process. Don't lose your sight at the first sign of failure. Look forward to the challenges of life. Embrace them. Raise your standards. Do something better today than yesterday. You are not meant to remain stagnant and complacent.

Stop preparing to live and start actually living.

Coach B

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