Tuesday, January 14, 2014


This past weekend myself and other staff members attended the NSCA coaches conference in Indianapolis. It is one of the largest gatherings of strength and conditioning professionals. There were coaches from high schools, elite division one colleges and professional sports teams. Over the course of two days over 20 top coaches presented on topics ranging from speed, plyometrics, strength, olympic lifting and other industry breaking topics. Getting to catch up with old friends and getting to meet new coaches. Along with getting to see where the industry is headed and who the young up and coming coaches.

But where I learned the most was sitting down for dinner with coaches from various Big Ten schools and talking about training and coaching. It was humbling to say the least. I took away a handful of ideas that I am excited to start implementing into our clients programming.

To me if I can come away with one thing from these conferences my money was well spent. I get caught up in my own ideas and sometimes get stubborn in what I do. These conferences are always good to keep my ego in check and a quick reminder I don't know all that much. The day you think you know it all is the day that you are done in this industry.

The conference isn't necessarily the topic of this blog. What I want to get across to you is to always keep pursuing perfection. Always keep bettering yourself and advancing your knowledge in your respected field. Don't ever stop learning. Don't ever stop trying new things out. Invest in things that will make a return for you. This conference was an investment and the handful of things I learned this weekend is going to help all of my clients reach their potential. I have new tools in the tool box for you and I am excited to utilize them.

I challenge you to learn one new thing everyday. To invest in one thing everyday that will not only better you but also those around you.

Invest in yourself. Invest in your knowledge. Invest in your health.

Coach B


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