Wednesday, January 15, 2014

NSCA Conference Takeaways

This weekend, some of the Spot Athletics staff attended the National Strength and Conditioning Association's Coach's Conference in Indianapolis. It was a great experience learning from the speakers and other attendees at the conference. I wanted to share a few of the thoughts I've been mulling over the past few days.


1) Have a varied toolbox.

There is more than one way to reach a desired training affect. The more tools you have at your disposal, the better you will be as a coach. You will be able to adjust for different circumstances and individuals. That being said, there is also not one right way to reach a goal. If someone tells you that there is only one way to do something, they are a liar and probably not a very good coach. Avoid at all costs.


2)Have a balanced program.

People love mobility these days. So much mobility. Some people base the majority of their programs on mobility. Mobility is great and important but it's one piece of the puzzle. No matter your goal or sport, there needs to be a balance of strength, mobility, and relevant conditioning. It's easy to get caught up in certain buzzwords, exercises, or methodologies but at the end of the day, there are certain tried and true methods that have been around a long time for a reason. There is an ebb and flow of ideas in the strength industry and it's good to remain balanced in your approach to training.


3) Always try to learn

I learned just as much from talking to (or eavesdropping on) other coach's conversations as I did from the speakers. Even the best coaches say they are always reading, learning, and talking. Once you think you know everything, you've lost. You're doing a disservice to yourself and to those that you train. One of the speakers reminded us that some of the best information can be found in training texts from decades ago. Learning doesn't necessarily mean going out of your way to find the hottest new trend in TRX training.

- Coach Lily

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