Wednesday, April 2, 2014

What Makes A Champion?

At The Spot Athletics, we train a lot of champions. From junior high state champions to Olympians. All champions, regardless of age, gender or sport, share a few common characteristics.

First and foremost, champions are positive. As cliché as it sounds, it’s true. If an athlete comes in injured, they don’t mope or quit or complain. They get back to work- rehabbing, supporting their team, planning for their comeback. They don’t spend time pitying themselves or moping, they’re already making their next move. They are resilient and they look forward to the future- they don’t dwell on the ‘could haves’.

Which segues into the next point- no matter what they are doing, champions put 100% into it. Whether it’s helping out teammates or warming up, they put their total effort into everything they do. They don’t just get in and get out- they put their heart into all of it. They know that everything they do in training and games are integral to their success.

Champions are always trying to improve themselves and others. On and off the court. Whether it’s showing up to the gym early to do some mobility drills, training when everyone else is on break, or helping a teammate that’s having a rough day. They go above and beyond what’s expected of them.

These attributes have nothing to do with physical abilities. More importantly, these are all about attitude and effort. These characteristics can take an average athlete and make them great or make a great athlete even better.  The aforementioned points apply to everyone- inside and outside the gym. Try to pick one or two points and make them a part of your life- at the gym, at work, or at home. Anyone can be a champion.
Coach Lily

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