Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Keep It Simple!

Just like everything else in life, there will always be fads in training. Like bell bottoms, wallet chains, and velour track suits, there is also Zumba, paleo, and the Tracy Anderson Method. People need to keep writing articles, selling products, and making money so, consequently, there will always be hot new diets and methods of working out.
Certain things have been around for a long time and work. There’s a reason why people have been picking up heavy weights, sprinting, and eating “clean” for a long time. Because it works. Of course new ideas come out and we adapt to and incorporate new scientific information. No matter what workout tapes and diets come out that promise to the THE solution to your weight loss problems, there’s a reason they come and go. Diet fads are always changing; new exciting and unconventional workout routines promise you sculpted abz of your dreams. There’s a reason these products and ideas are hot for a few years then fizzle out and another trend takes their place. They’re not always based on scientific principles. They are easy, catchy, fun, and flashy. Easy and flashy usually don’t get results though. It’s hard enough to stay committed to losing weight or getting stronger- throw in an ever-changing variety of useless methodology and you’ll fall off the wagon in no time.

If you’re having trouble committing to a program, pick a simple, tried and true method. Lift some weights, eat well, and do some difficult conditioning. Crazy idea, huh?

 Coach Lily

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