Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Top 10 Articles for April 2, 2014

3 reasons you aren’t getting stronger.

Fat loss for dummies - keep it simple folks.

Is a negative self-image and feeling bad about yourself your ultimate motivation to change, train and get healthy?  Check out a new way to get better results from the decisions you make for a new you. 

“I want to lose my belly fat so I’ll do more cardio and ab exercises.”  NO!

You don’t have to wait to hit rock bottom to re-invent yourself. You can rock it now!

Ever thought about an hiring an on-line coach? Buyers beware.

Which diet is right for you?  Answer: it depends.  

Great article on getting more out of life when you have less money - money doesn’t define you.

Have you ever gotten stale or lost your enthusiasm? Sometimes the training goal is to learn how to enjoy training again.


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