Thursday, March 13, 2014

Training Switch-Up- An Intern's Blog

Coach Lily's blog entry the other day inspired my topic for this blog. She explained how stepping out of your comfort zone in the gym can lead to benefits both physically and mentally, in the gym as well as outside of it. I happen to agree with her 100%, and I'd like to add on to her thought process a little.

Sometimes we can get caught up in the things that we are comfortable doing in the gym without really questioning whether we are actually making progress doing these things. We all have heard "Stick to the basics! That's the key to success!" While I do agree that the basics are extremely valuable tools in your arsenal, not everyone can progress day after day using this methodology. Eventually, you will hit a stagnation point where your progress will slow to a halt and your body will get worn down with little to show for your effort.

If you aren't making progress doing a certain program or a specific exercise, why keep doing it? Now I'm not saying that if your squat has stalled then do banish it from your program forever, but why not change up your exercises? Whether it be to switch to box squats for 6 weeks or to squat later in your routine with sub-maximal weights, the key is variation. Now I understand that this can be a tough decision especially if you have an attachment to a certain exercise (I have had to adjust my lower body routine away from squats due to knee pain), but you may be able to reap the rewards of a revitalized central nervous system as well as new found strength from other exercises.

If you've hit a plateau then switch it up and watch your motivation, energy, and possibly even strength go up!

Bryce Calvin- Strength and Conditioning Intern

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