Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Lately I have seen people being ok with mediocrity. Which if that is what you want then great be mediocre. Be like everybody else.

Sometime it's hard to get motivated to train or to do anything. It's easier to be lazy and just sit on the coach and watch the world turn. The body wants to be lazy. Honestly it is science. The body likes to maintain homeostasis. In other words it doesn't mind being weak. So it's up to your mind to get your body in check. Your mind is what is keeping you from the body that you want. Don't sit there everyday and watch motivational videos and listen to speeches of people motivating you. You don't need that, what you need is to set your mind right. You have ZERO excuses. And whatever you're about to say is just another lie you're telling yourself as to why you can't accomplish what you want.

We all have days where we don't want to train. Where we don't want to get up and go to the gym. Body feels tired and weak. When the body feels tired and weak go lift! Stop being afraid of overtraining. If your mind continuously tells the body that you're overtrained or that you need a deload your body will begin to believe it. Stop saying "well science says I need to deload every 4th week or I'll get weak and overtrained." Stop it. All you're doing is finding a fancy way to say you're lazy. Being lazy is being lazy. The body isn't weak and lazy it's your mind that is.

Get in the gym and get some blood pumping in the body. Once the blood starts pumping and the nervous system gets dialed in it will make you feel better. Human nature wants you and I to be lazy. To conform and be weak. To be mediocre. Don't be normal. If you get the mind right the body will follow. Your mind sets the standard for everything that you do.

What gets you motivated everyday? Let me know in the comments below!

Coach B

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