Thursday, March 13, 2014

Odds and Ends for Experiencing the Arnold

This is just a short list of tips (some humorous) to keep in mind when visiting the Arnold Sports Festival here in Columbus, Ohio. This year was my first time attending and though it was fantastic experience, there were some things that I wish I would have known before going.

Do what I did. Ride the Bus. It will be the best $2 you ever spent.

Pick a few events to watch. Know where they are and what time they start. You don’t want to look back on this experience and think “Gee, I didn’t really see anything.”

The door guards get really pissed if you try to enter the expo through an exit, and vice versa. Read the signs!

  Do not, I repeat: do not wear a white shirt because you will inevitably ruin it by rubbing up against someone else’s spray tan.

If Darth Vader and Chewy are doing a fencing demonstration, you’d better be there!

 Giving high fives to random people is standard procedure.

  Don’t let the military guys talk you into doing pullups because I promise that a brown, leathery-skinned bodybuilder is going to do at least 30 pullups right after you finish.

If you do not feel like punching the new and improved innovative punching bag that an exhibitor is showing off, politely let him know and keep going. Don’t fall for peer pressure.

  Don’t stare. That’s all I need to say.

  Bring your own food. I took blueberries and chocolate covered almonds.

  If you plan on meeting some celebrities at the expo, know which booth they’ll be at, what times they’ll be there, where those booths are located on the map, and which path you’ll take to get to each destination. You can even make your own map with checkpoints with fancy stuff to make sure you see EVERYTHING.

No, you do not need another cinch bag.

  If you just ask, exhibitors will give you samples. Don’t be shy.

  Stop trying to find Arnold. He is far, far away in the VIP section.

Enjoy yourself. This is a networking experience for a lot of people, but it doesn’t have to be stressful. In fact, people watching can be pretty fun!

Savannah Steamer, Intern

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