Monday, December 23, 2013

The fastest way to get fit & look great

This is a secret that many of the fitness magazines never tell you because they don't want you to know the truth.  The fastest way to get fit and look good is to lift weights, do cardio and follow a diet free from processed foods on a long term consistent basis.  Wait a minute you are saying, that doesn't sound easy or fast, and it isn't.  There are no shortcuts to fitness or looking good.  If there were then everyone would look great and be fit.  These commercials for this new miracle product or that are really miracles, as in it's a miracle that people are stupid enough to actually buy it.

The fact is that consistency in your training and your eating will over a long time yield great results.  I always look at loosing 1/2% of body fat per week as a good goal.  This means that if you are 25% body fat then you will lose 10% body fat and be at a very respectable 15% in 20 weeks.  Although this seems like a long time, think about it in terms of how much fat you have put on in the last 6 months.  In this age of instant text messaging and instant everything else, the one thing that has no instant solution is your health.

I know what I am saying doesn't sound sexy and appealing and that is why you never hear anyone in popular media talk about it.  They just show pictures of ripped people smiling and capture it with "look how easy it is".  Fact is that it is not easy and those people in the magazine pictures only look like that for a few weeks out of the year for the photo shoot.  What they don't show is the hours upon hours that they spend in the gym and the eating they do, the food prep and the years of dedication.  They want you to believe that if you just take their product then you can look like the model in the picture.  This is false advertising and you should be aware of it.

Although we don't promise instant results and the newest fitness craze, what we do promise is that you will get fit and looking great by following our tried and true means of getting you to your goals.  We won't promise it will be easy or that you won't mess up on your diet but we will promise to motivate you the whole way and pick you up when you stumble.  These are the things that we do that separate us and by being up front and explaining what it takes to get to your individual goals, you are at aware of what is to come.  This approach has made some people not want to train with us because we tell them it is not going to be easy and what it really takes to reach their goals instead of the standard "it's so easy, just join our gym" crap that is peddled at other facilities.  I guess this doesn't make us the best sales people but we pride ourselves on being the best trainers, not the best sales people.  We just know that in the long run the people who are serious about reaching their goals will seek us out because they want the best trainers, not sales people who sell the "get fit quick" fantasy.

If you know someone who is serious about reaching their New Years resolutions then send them this blog and tell them to get ahold of us.  They may not like the truth of what it takes, but they will love the results we get.

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