Monday, December 30, 2013

Don't make resolutions, make good

deb progressionIt's that time of year when people start to look back at what has happened the year before and what they want to happen in the year ahead.  Most people make the mistake of putting forth a new years resolution that is unrealistic.  Let's face it, if you haven't worked out in 10 years, the odds of you training 7 days/week in about the same as you winning the lottery.  So don't make some crazy resolution like this, instead make a resolution that you are going to make one attainable "resolution" per week.  Week One could be to join a gym.  Week two could be to go to that gym 2x/wk.  Week Three could be to clean up your awful diet a little bit.   After 52 weeks of these little victories, you will be surprised at just how much you have been able to change your life.

These little weekly victories not only help you feel like a success but they also lead you to your ultimate goal of a better looking and healthier you.  People can handle small tasks that are defined in front of them, but a large task with no direction seems overwhelming and will most likely never happen.  If you just focus on one small task per week then over the course of the next year you will make more changes than you have over the last 10 years of your grandiose resolutions that never quite happened.  I know that something like going to the gym 2x/wk seems like it wouldn't make a huge difference but honestly for someone who isn't working out, just going for a walk 2x/wk can make a big change.

This year don't just make a resolution, make good by setting one small goal per week and attaining it.   If you aren't sure where to begin when it comes to your fitness or your eating then come see one of the great personal trainers at The Spot and they will not only get you on the right path, but keep you there so you make long lasting changes.

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