Wednesday, May 28, 2014

How Hugh Jackman got “jacked” to play Wolverine

I recently read an article about how Hugh Jackman (Wolverine) trained to look so incredibly ripped in the new X-Men movie. ( Not only did he look a certain way, but he trained twice a day and did conditioning to have the ability to do most of the action shots himself. It wasn’t just Hollywood magic or “get fit quick” solution. In an article from the LA Times, Jackman was asked the question regarding what he did to get in shape for his role. The following was his response.

It's too hard to get in shape from scratch, and it's easier to stay in shape than to get in shape. ... For Wolverine I really up the training. Right now I do about an hour of training a day and ride my bike everywhere. But I do about 2 1/2 hours of training a day when getting ready for the role, and foodwise I eat more, but I eat a lot stricter. Seventy percent of your physique is your diet, and diet is the biggest change that happens.
Here is a guy who is in some of the biggest movies in the world where his body and how it looks is one of the main components of his films. He had his reputation at stake (and probably quite a few million in change for the role itself).  With so much on the line, Jackman knew he must have a trainer.  

When lifting I'm always with a trainer because the thing that makes a difference is that last 20% in your training, and he very scientifically looks after my food as well, …
But then, Jackman has another goal. He is going back to Broadway. He is a dancer and a singer. It requires a totally different body, with different training and a different skill set. He is asked the question if his muscular body interferes with his upcoming Broadway show.

Yes, it does, and when I dance I drop muscle very quickly. The body is very smart and efficient, and a traditional dancer's body is not going to be bulked up on top because they're muscles that you don't really need. And your body is constantly going for the most efficient way to do something. A sprinter's body is very different from a long-distance runner's body.
It is the GOAL that will dictate how one trains and eats. Different goals require different time frames, different training styles and different diets in order to achieve those goals. There is NOT  “one size fits all” in the land of training and fitness.

We are all uniquely different. I am the oldest trainer at The Spot. Coach Lily is much younger than me. We need to do totally different things in order to reach our goals. We need different workouts to push our bodies and different diets because we have different fitness levels and goals. Lily is powerlifter. I am an older adult who wants to stay strong, healthy and durable. That said, there are two things we both need to do to reach those goals: stay consistent in our training and work with a trainer.  Yes that is correct, even trainers need to be trained.  We train as a staff at The Spot Athletics and therefore can coach each other and keep each other accountable.  Without a trainer even personal trainers won’t be able to reach their goals as quickly.  Wolverine knows this, we know this, and the sooner you realize this, the sooner you will reach your goals.  

Health and fitness is a lifestyle one should want to incorporate in one’s life, not just a goal to get in a bikini and go on vacation, though there is nothing wrong with that. We will help you do that too. But what happens when you come back from vacation?  

Your life happens year round, year after year. What are you doing to develop the consistency of a strong healthy body and not just following the latest “fitness fad”?

At The Spot Athletics, we endeavor to not just give our clients the means to reach their immediate goals, but the education and encouragement to continue long term, year after year, into a healthy lifestyle of strength and conditioning.

Coach Sandy

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