Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tips For High School Athletes

I've made a lot of mistakes. Hey I'm just being honest with you but I have. These athletes come into the gym everyday and the conversations we have reminds me of my young self.  And it always gets me to thinking about how I could have and done things differently in my training as an athlete.

1. Check your ego at the door. Weight will come in time. Your form needs to come before the weight Learn how to lift and the weights will come trust me. I hear all the time about high schoolers who have buddies that squatted 600lbs. Sorry bro it didn't happen. Not once. Not ever. I don't believe it and won't unless it's on film.

2. So many kids come in with weak posterior chains (glutes, hamstrings etc.) TRAIN your chain! Most of you will neglect these muscles because you can't see them. But if you don't have strength back there you are robbing yourself of running faster and jumping higher. Hey your career not mine.

3. I was talking to the father of one of our athletes the other day and we both came to the sad conclusion that multi-sport athletes are a dying breed. It breaks my heart when I hear most athletes play only one sport. Parents ask all the time how their son or daughter can become a bette athlete and my answers are always the same. First train at The Spot and second play other sports. Don't "specialize" in one sport. You can do that if you play in college. You're only in high school once. You only get once chance to play multiple sports. Doing this will help you immensely. It will help you to tap into a ton of different skill sets that will make you a better all around athlete.

4. You're not a bodybuilder so please stop training like one. Stop copying the programs out of muscle and fitness and flex magazine. They have little to no application to athletics. Guy across from you doesn't care how big your biceps are.

5. Don't miss workouts. Be consistent day in and day out. If you want to make it to the next level then stop wasting time. Don't put off training. If you start today you'll be that much more ahead of your competition.

Coach B

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