Tuesday, December 21, 2010

JL Holdsworth's Training

Ludus Magnus and Elite Fitness are great environments to train at.  My training has progressed over the last few months and now I'm participating in all exercises that we do in our training.  Injuries are tough to come back from and I'm about 90% there.  Last week I did 705lb bench off of a 3 board.  It was very easy but the increased loads are really stressing my central nervous system.  I've been more tired after workouts due to the increased CNS activity.  I expect that will go away after a few weeks of using heavy weights again.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Weight gain and training going very well.

The last week was crazy with the new kid in the house.  I went one week without training and it was killing me.  I got back into Ludus Magnus this Sunday and had a great bench workout.  I did football bar presses, banded lockout work, DB incline presses and some curls.  Tuesday we did safety squat bar squats, GHR's, leg extensions and calf raises.  Both were great workouts and my weight is sitting right at 300lbs.  It will take a lot to get up to 320 but I have 10 weeks to do it.

Friday, December 3, 2010

This week's training and Kids

This was a good week of training.  Tuesday was a low intensity, high volume day that facilitated some much needed recovery.  Thursday we went fairly heavy in the bench using The Sling Shot and lightened green band.  I went up to 625 and it was very easy.  After I finished the main exercise on Thursday I took my son to get his teeth cleaned.  When I came into the office at the gym he said "did you have a good workout dad".   I was taken back by this because he really cares how my workouts are.  He has been in the gym since he was born and when he feels like it he works out with me, and all this time in the gym he has learned how to speak gym language and how important each training session is.  I am really proud of how he is growing up.


Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving Week Workouts

This has been a crazy week, Tuesday we did light legs to recover from the weekend.  Wednesday we did some bench shirt work.  I went up to 675 off of a 4 board, which is the most weight that has been in my hands in a long time.  Today, Friday 11/26, we did some really heavy cambered bay squats with a bunch of bands and chains.  I used the 3/0/3 tempo and it was really hard.

Monday, November 22, 2010

JL's Weekend Workouts

Saturday -

Did band box squats using 405 + blue band.  3 sets x 3 reps using super slow tempo.  3sec down, 3 sec up.  I'm doing this to negate my explosive nature and to ensure lots of muscle work and that I don't injure myself going too fast.  I'm really sore from doing it this way.

Deadlift in same fashion, 405 x 3 for 3 sets, 500 x 3 for 1 set.

Leg extensions, Abs.

Sunday - Football bar bench, worked up to 500x2

3 board w/football bar using 3/3 tempo - 405x3, 4sets

tri's, lats, bi's and more tri's

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Great Weekend at Elite for UGSS

It was another great UGSS (underground strength session).  Lifters were here from all over the country.  It was great to see big lifts, friends I don't get to see much and a whole lot of ripping on each other.  I had a great squat session and good bench session.  Matt Wenning knocked out 13 reps with Kroc's 185lb db's and had a huge squat on Saturday, he is looking very impressive.  Can't wait for the next one, hopefully I'll be 100% healthy and able to put up some big lifts with the rest of the guys.


Monday, July 12, 2010


45 min of cardio today, walking at 15% incline.  sweat my butt off.  good times.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Great Sunday Workout

Today was a great workout.  My pecs were still a little sore from my Thursday volume workout so I decided to go with a 3-board raw press.  I worked up to 585lbs for a single, it was fairly easy.  Then I did hammer strength shoulder press with 4 plates on each side, pull-ups, rows supersetted with straight arm pulldown. Followed it all up with 30 min. of cardio with a HR of 130-140.  

Friday, June 25, 2010

Making my webpage is hard!

We got a man to the moon 50 years  ago but we can't make designing a webpage simpler.  I don't know what ccs. code is but I think it stands for "crappy computer stuff".