Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Tips to Get Stronger Part 1

Stuck in a rut? Having trouble making strength gains? Try these quick tips to help you get stronger- faster!

1) Use compound movements. I know squats and deadlifts can be intimidating because they look difficult, require you to be technically proficient, and are wrongly accused of causing injury. However, these multi joint movements are great strength builders. Not only are you using the vast majority of your muscles but once you're good at the movement, you can really load the weight on and get great results. So if you're not squatting, deadlifting, and pressing, the you're missing out.

2) Eat to grow. Are you eating enough to build muscle and allow your body to repair and refuel? If you're not eating to match your training- especially with protein intake- you could be halting your gains.

3) Always make progress. If you're doing the same sets and reps for a month and haven't added any weight on the bar, you're not getting stronger. If you aren't challenging your body to get stronger, it won't. It needs stimulus to adapt to in order to grow. That doesn't mean changing exercises all the time, it means adding weight on the bar or doing more reps with the same weight. If you're not constantly striving to make progress- and tracking your progress- it will stall.

4) Ditch the cardio. Doing 2 hours a day on the elliptical will not only not make you stronger- it will eat away at your muscle and add fat to your body. Instead of doing long distance steady state cardio, try sprints or a short duration high intensity finisher to your workout. You'll not only lose fat but build muscle at the same time.

Check back soon for part 2!

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