Tuesday, August 27, 2013

College Prep Results and Understanding Movement Patterns

Photo Aug 27, 10 27 17This summer we had a large amount of collegiate athletes train at our facility. Our athletes ranged from Elite division 1 volleyball players to football players to even rowers.  They came to us in order to properly prepare for their upcoming seasons at their respective colleges. Utilizing science, smart programming and world class coaching the results we got were off the charts.
Athlete #1 profile
Division 1 Volleyball Player

Assessment results:
Clean: 65lbs
Approach: 9’11”
Box Jump: 39”

After 1 month of training
Clean: 155lbs
Approach: 10’1"
Box Jump: 44”

This athlete also took first overall in all female sports in both conditioning and strength at an SEC school

Athlete #2 Profile
Divsion 2 football player

Assessment results
Vertical: 30.5”
Broad Jump: 9’1”
Pro Shuttle: 4.69s
3-Cone drill: 8.06
225 bench: 17 reps
40yd dash: 5.31

After 3 months of training
Vertical: 35.5”
Broad Jump: 10’7”
Pro Shuttle: 4.23s
3-Cone drill: 7.12s
225 bench: 23
40yd dash: 5.08


Athlete #3 profile
Division 2 Lacrosse player
Came to us with 2 slipped discs and a fx in the lumbar spine

Assessment results:
Box jump: 44”
Broad Jump: 8’1.5”
Pro Shuttle: 5.56s
T-Test: 11.71s

After 3 months of training
Vertical: 32.5”
Box jump: 55.5”
Broad Jump: 10’
Pro Shuttle:4.75s
T-Test: 10.38s

This is just a small pool of all the athletes that we trained this but we saw similar results with all of our college athletes. We were able to yield these types of results because the coaches here understand the way an athlete moves and understand that it's not looks that make the best athlete. As an athlete you must develop sounds movement patterns long before worrying about performance enhancement. Our coaches help our athletes to understand their bodies and the way they move to make sure that the best motor patterns are ingrained into the athletes nervous system in order to elicit the highest results. Most programs today are cookie cutter programs and not individualized for the athlete’s performance based on the individual athletes strengths and weaknesses. Having a coach who understands athletic movements, the human body and it’s systems is one of the most important tools in an athletes tool box. Just because an athlete works out and trains hard does not mean the athlete is in optimal shape. If an athlete has poor mobility and stability then results like this are not possible. We utilize an intense athletic assessment for our clients looking to become champions but while the assessment results above are a bunch of cool looking numbers what you don't get to see was the improvement in the way the athlete moved.

Our college athletes utilized special programing based on their results from the athletic assessment. What this special programs were attempting to do was excite higher threshold motor units within the body. These athletes served as test subjects for our future athletes. Based on their results you can guarantee this type of programming will be used for our athletes looking to gain an advantage on their opponents by increasing their speed, strength and power over their opponents. The most important aspect to the athletes training was their work ethic and diligence in the weight room. With intelligent science based programming, world class coaching and athletes putting everything that they had on the line in the weight room, champions were built.

We build champions. 

What are you waiting for?

Coach B



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