Saturday, February 16, 2013

Start The Day Off Right

Everyday I hear people complain about how they hate getting up and that they rather sleep all day and stay in bed. They hate the sound of their alarm clock, all they can think about is how they don’t want to do whatever it is that they have to do today and then head out the door to do the things they don’t want to do. These are the same people that complain about the things they don’t have and how life isn’t fair and nothing ever falls their way. Once these people drag themselves out of bed and are already mad at the world they take a quick miserable shower hating the world, throw on some clothes, make a few bad eating decisions then proceed to go on their miserable life and be a plague to everybody around them. I am going to touch on a few ways to start your day off right and not be that plague that ruins everybody’s day. And it all starts the night before.



- Get into a routine of going to bed at the same time every night and getting 7-8 hours of sleep. There is plenty of time during the day to get things done its all about prioritizing. 

- An hour before bed make your to-do list for the next day. That way you can clear your mind and will not have to worry about what you have to get accomplished. Its written down and will be there waiting for you when you wake up. 

Once your alarm goes off get out of bed. Do not look at your phone for texts or emails. They will be there later. This is your time to focus on you and nobody else. Your blackberry or iphone or whatever can wait. Get up and get going. Life waits for nobody and staying in bed is just allowing life to pass you by. Remember life has something to offer everybody so staying in bed is not the answer to getting the most out of life.

Once you’re out of bed decide what type of day you will have. When you wake up you need to decide right then and there that it will be a bad ass day that will lead you closer to accomplishing your goals.

Head outside. Trust me you will wake up. If it’s to cold I understand but throw on some sweats and once outside take a few deep breaths. In through your nose and out through your mouth. Take a minute to really take in your surroundings and appreciate what’s in front of you. And what is in front of you is a new day, a new start, a new chapter.

Drink a glass of water 16-20oz and if you’re a coffee or tea drinker start the water or the brewing

Stretch. Go to a quit area in your house and do a quick stretching routine from head to toe hitting the major joints and muscles. It takes 5 minutes. There are 1440 minutes in a day you can spare 5 to stretch and start it out right.   

Pour yourself your morning caffeine and sit down for a minute and take the first sip. Enjoy the first sip and take a few seconds to thoroughly enjoy it. As the saying goes it’s the little things in life. Learn this skill, the skill of being able to focus all your energy into something and thoroughly enjoy it. Not a lot of people can do this so learn how to and watch how much happier you become by being able to enjoy the little things in life.   

- Eat breakfast. This bugs me when people say “I hate breakfast” or “I can’t get up and eat” or “I don’t have time to cook”. Whatever it’s an excuse and your just making it. Everybody seems to have time though to eat a bowl of cereal or eat a pop tart or some other garbage his or her body doesn’t need. Crack some eggs cut up some veggies and cook. Depending on your diet have some oatmeal or Ezekiel bread to get your carbs in. Or if you are backloading have your coffee and heavy cream or if you are IF don't eat. It’s simple and easy. If you don’t know how to cook eggs youtube it. And don’t throw away the yolk that’s where all the nutrients are.

- Eat breakfast, finish your cup of caffeine then go check your phone and start to hit the list you made the night before.

This takes anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour.  Your health depends on it. So stop making excuses you owe it to yourself and your body.


What’s your current morning ritual? What’s your excuse for not starting the day off right? Do you have any tips you could add to this? Let me know by leaving a comment below.




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