Monday, February 18, 2013

Improve your golf game without golfing!

PrintOf coarse I don't look like a golfer, and I'm not.  I've spent 20 years building my body to be one of the best strength athletes in the world and that doesn't work well with golf.   What I am though is a strength & conditioning coach with an unbelievable knowledge of physics, biomechanics, motor learning and just overall building better athletes.  I also have a TPI Golf Fitness certification but I leave the golf swing instruction to great Golf Pro's, like Elton Sargent up at Performance Golf Academies of America.  But just as I'm not qualified to teach someone to swing a club, golf pros are not qualified to build stronger hips so players can hit the ball further.  This is where the Titleist Performance Institute(TPI) team concept really comes into play.  If you go to the TPI facility you will work with 1. A swing coach 2. a Golf fitness coach and if their is a major issue, you will also see 3. A doctor or physical therapist.  That's why Elton and I work together hand in hand to not only work on your physical limitations but also on your swing mechanics as well.  A lot of golfers tell me that their pro has told them that they need them to get in this position or that position but no matter how much they practice they can't seem to do it.  Well what I find after taking them through a TPI physical golf screen is that they can't get in the position due to a physical limitation.  They could swing the club all day, every day, but unless they address the physical limitation their swing will never get better and their handicap won't go down.  If you would like to come in and do a TPI physical golf screen then email me, and I'll be happy to help you work on any physical limitations that are hurting your game.  If you are only seeing a swing coach then you are limiting your improvements by not addressing your physical limitations.  So if you truly want your handicap to go down this year, then come in and see me for a TPI physical golf screen and finally get your handicap where you want it.

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