Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Articles to read - Week of 2/5

I know this is a day late BUT we had to post the video yesterday on JL's training at The Compound and how you can win a free year of training at The Spot. So everything will be a day off this week but hey a little change never hurt anybody! So here are the articles for the week I feel you should read if you had to just pick a few.


The first one is an article written by Leo Babauta and it is a guide on how you can build habits and stick to them. It touches on why people do not stick to habits and then provides rules and how to learn new the habit skill

Sticking to a Habit 


The second article is an article written by Sarah Zielinski and it discusses on what actually makes us feel fear. Its short and sweet. Read it before you go to work it is all sciency and stuff  and it'll provide for some intelligent conversation.

What Makes You Feel Fear?


The next articles are a two part series that was posted on Diesel Strength and Conditioning by James Smith. He got some of the top female writers to write a letter to their younger self. Take the time to read these esepcially if you are a parent. Continue to instill strength, self-confidence, love and kindness into your children. Your children are a direct reflection of you.

Letters to All the Beautiful Little Girls - Part One

Letters to All the Beautiful Little Girls - Part Two


Any questions, suggestions, comments, concerns, limricks or oneliners feel free to leave them in the comments below.



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