Saturday, January 19, 2013


While on my facebook and twitter accounts I read how stressed out people are and how rough life is right now for them. I don't doubt for a second that life is rough for some of you right now. We have all been there. We have all had low points in our lives. But not everyday is a bad day. You decideWe are the creators of our own stress.  Look I am aware that bad things happen but when they do YOU need to realize that the number of days we have on this earth are limited and is one bad thing worth the cost of one day of YOUR life? No matter what happens in your life it all has a purpose and will change your life in some way shape or form. Even when people consider a situation negative there is a positive within it you just need to be willing to find it. Everyday you need to work on keeping a positive outlook and try to help others do the same.


I was talking to a friend last night and it appeared that this person gets extremely upset when someone doesn’t like them or disagrees with them. My response was so what? Who cares what other people think? 7 billion people in this world can’t please them all. If you are sticking to what you believe in and staying true to your vision then why should it really matter what someone else says about you? Your time is so precious so don’t waste it on worrying or getting upset over one person who wants to talk bad about you. Other people can’t make you feel one way or another. We have to decide that ourselves. We decided our own reactions to any given stimulus. You have more control then you think. Nobody has that power but you. When you stress out you are doing it to yourself. If you live a life that isn’t inline with your values it will bring stress, gossip, sleepless nights, aggression and many other things. Life is life, get over it you can never and will never get rid of all the BS surrounding your life. Know your values and define them. If you are stressed you’ll never see what is around you. Most stress is because something is in violation of your values. You are accountable for fixing your own problems and if you don’t want to be part of the solution either live with it or be quite.


We only have weaknesses when we fail to address what we’re not good at. If you do not like what you see there’s a very simple one word solution CHANGE! Deteremine what you don’t want and determine what you do want. Write it down analyze what you wrote and put together a plan of attack. Don’t be lazy, stop making freaking excuses and stop being complacent with your boring life. Go live a little. To get where we want to be we need to become a little better everyday. Everyday keep striving to live the purpose of your life and nobody else's. YOU have to live life, do not just let life happen.  There’s a difference between living a life and letting life control you. Other people and situations do not make you happy or unhappy. You make the decision yourself. Enjoy the time here because tomorrow isn’t promised. Don’t let another day pass you by because you cannot get that day back. People always want more time, wish for more time but it appears time is the one thing people waste the most. Carpe Diem.


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