Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Fall Programs Starting

It's that time of year again....Back to school.  We have many programs this fall for athletes of all ages.

- Our CAAT(Complete Athletic Ability Training) program (ages 6-11) takes a slice from the old soviet model of building motor patterns at a young ages so that when the athletes get older they can excel in their chosen sport.  We teach proper running and jumping mechanics, body control, proprioception, body awareness, and also work on the athletes mobility.  Studies show that if an athlete hasn't learn a motor pattern by age 13 then they will not learn it.  Don't just put your kid in a "fitness" camp, let the experts at The Spot Athletics turn your child into a better athlete.  The CAAT program is M,W, and F from 4:30-5:30pm starting Sept. 5th.

- Speed, Agility and Quickness(SAQ) training.  We do SAQ work in our total Speed, Strength and Conditioning program but here we take just the SAQ portion and only train it.  Although you can't reach your full potential without a full Strength and Conditioning program this program is perfect for kids who have to lift with their team but are not receiving any proper SAQ training.  SAQ class is held Mon, Tue and Thur. from 4-5pm.

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