Sunday, November 18, 2012

Weight training = Weight loss

So I have to rant today about one of the most illogical things that I hear.  In the same breath a mom will tell me that she really needs to workout so that she can lose weight.  Yet the next sentence out of the same person is that they don't want their daughter to workout because she will gain weight.  So tell me Ms. Illogical, does working out make you lose or gain weight cause it can't do both.  Well the answer is simple, women(this is especially true for young girls/boys) do not have the necessary hormones to create a large amount of muscle mass.  The huge women bodybuilders that people see in magazines eat/sleep and breathe diet and training.  Yet they still can't gain the kind of muscle that they have unless they artificially add testosterone to their bodies.   So I guess if the mom in the above example was injecting her daughter with testosterone then yes she would gain weight from working out. Otherwise the daughter will just end up being leaner, stronger, more explosive and athletic, all of which being very positive no matter what the sport.  The other issue is that bodybuilders train in a way that is purposefully inducing hypertrophy or muscle gain.  The goal of their training is to put on muscle, and that's how they eat and train.  We train athletes to be faster, more explosive and more athletic.  This means that they must be stronger for their body weight in order for them to run faster or jump higher.  Putting on excessive muscle would be counter productive and thus is why that type of training is not used for athletes.  I have been weight training for 20 years and have dedicated my life to the sport.  I eat, sleep and breathe training and have done so for many years.  On top of that I have gifted genetics to put on size for my sport.  All of this being said it kills me when a person says that they don't want to lift weights or let their child lift weights because they don't want to get big like me.  That's like me saying I don't want my son to shoot a basketball becuase I don't want him to be as good as LeBron at basketball.  So the moral to my rant is please stop throwing out illogical statements and ask the experts here at The Spot Athletics if you really are confused because these crazy statements about weight training have to stop.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

5K for client who was told she wouldn't run again

the spot athletics, running, personal trainingCongrats to personal training client Sandy Schluep, for placing 4th in her age group at the Rotary Honors Veterans 5k.  Sandy came to The Spot at 54 years old, after multiple  injuries and being told she would never run again and was determined to turn that disclaimer around  -- proof that when you are determined and committed, you can reach your goals at any age.  Way to go Sandy!