Saturday, October 20, 2012

We take care of the Strength and Conditioning and Vitor takes care of the competition

The Spot Athletics is proud of one of our athlete's Vitor Oliveira who fought in his first MMA fight in the US.  Vitor is here from Brazil teaching Jiu Jitsu for Ronin Training Center.  Not only did he win his fight but did so in under 2 minutes.  Vitor's workouts are very intense and he has gained a lot of strength preparing for this fight so the way he dominated is not surprising.  Congratulations Vitor!

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Gold Medal for The Spot Athletics Athlete

Vinicius Tavares Marinho won gold at the No Gi Pan Am games this past weekend.  Vinicius is part of GFTeam(Grappling Fight Team), one of the best Jiu Jitsu teams in the world.  Vinicius lives in Brazil but has been training at The Spot Atheltics for his strength and conditioning while in the US.  He made great strides in both strength and conditioning in his time here and will be missed as he is heading back to Brazil this week.  We will post up an interview with him about his training at The Spot soon.  Our motto is "Sweat Hard, See Results" and Vini sweated a whole lot while he was here and at the Pan Am games he saw the results.  Good luck to Vini as he heads back to Brazil and keep training hard.